The Party


July 15, 2017 4:30PM Fourth Game Day
May 13, 2017 4:30PM Third Game Day
April 8, 2017 4:00PM Second Game Day(for realz)
March 11 2017, 4:00PM Second Game Day
Feb 4, 2017 4:30 PM: First Game Day

The Story

The party approached the town of Greenest on business. They found that it was under attack the cult of the dragon. They lept into action, rescuing citizens and helping to defend the keep, even managing to bring prisoners to the keep for interrogation.

As the assault on Greenist continued, the party defended and repaired the sally port. While escorting some wounded to the infirmary, the party met a new companion, who joined them in repelling the dragon from the keep.

Together, the party braved the rats in the secret tunnel and the packs of kobolds and cultists roaming the streets as they journeyed to defend the mill from destruction at the behest of the Governor. Defeating an ambush, and ambushing the ambushers, the party captured two cultists as they saved the mill. They then continued helping Greenist survive the attack. Defending the temple of Chaunteau, the party's one front-liner became one with the Force, and after the trauma, Lilibryn decided to retire to help the orphans of the town.

The Bad Guys

A Dragon Lightning breath. Blue Scales. We rocked this guy. he fled.

Cult of the Dragon They have actual cleric spells, so there is a real deity behind them.

Kobolds Are the kobolds part of the cult, or mercenaries.

Tiamat Cultists admitted they were trying to get treasure to summon Tiamat or something like that. Where does Tiamat live that she needs to be summoned to here?

The Players

Kevin, Dungeon Master
Alex(devil spawn)


Greenest A town under siege by the Cult of the Dragon
Daggerford Rhaegar's hometown


Governer Nighthill
Linan Swift
Escobert the Red
Unnamed clerics of Bahumut